Grapefruit – Grejpfrut

This is a red grapefruit. =
Ovo je crveni grejpfrut.

I have three grapefruits. =
Imam tri grejpfruta.

She is eating a grapefruit. =
Ona jede grejpfrut.

We like grapefruits. =
Volimo grejpfrute.

This is a picture with a grapefruit. =
Ovo je slika sa grejpfrutom.

Grapefruit is a delicious fruit. =
Grejpfrut je ukusno voće.

I want some grapefruit. =
Želim malo grejpfruita.

They have many grapefruits. =
Oni imaju mnogo grejpfruta.

What will you do with these grapefruits? =
Šta ćeš uraditi sa ovim grejpfrutima?