11 – Genders, ‘to be’ conjugation

This is Nikola. = Ovo je Nikola.
This is Maria. = Ovo je Marija.
He is an architect, and she is a doctor. =
On je arhitekta, a ona je doktor.
Is Marko an architect? Yes, he is. =
Da li je Marko arhitekta? Jeste.
Is Maria a doctor? No, she isn’t. =
Da li je Marija doktor. Nije.

Verb “to be” – short answers:
yes, I am – jesam
yes, you are – jesi
yes, he is – jeste
yes, she is – jeste
yes, it is – jeste
yes, we are – jesmo
yes, you are (plural) – jeste
yes, they are – jesu
no, I’m not – nisam
no, you’re not – nisi
no, he’s not – nije
no, she’s not – nije
no, it’s not – nije
no, we’re not – nismo
no, you’re not (plural) – niste
no, they’re not – nisu

airport – aerodrom
Good afternoon. Welcome!
Sir, your passport please. =
Dobar dan. Dobro došli!
Gospodine, vaš pasoš molim vas.
Here you go! = Izvolite!
This is not your passport! = Ovo nije vaš pasoš!
I apologize! This is my sister Milica. =
Izvnite! Ovo je moja sestra Milica.
That is her passport, and this is mine. =
To je njen pasoš, a ovo je moj.
Are you in Serbia for the first time? =
Da li ste u Srbiji prvi put?
Yes, we are here for the first time. =
Da, mi smo ovde prvi put.
Here you go! Everything is all right! Goodbye! =
Izvolite! Sve je u redu! Doviđenja!

There are three genders in Serbian – masculine, feminine, and neuter.
Masculine nouns usually end in a consonant:
gospodin – sir
park – park
telefon – phone
Feminine nouns usually end in “a”:
gospođa – Mrs
lekcija – lesson
žena – woman
Neuter nouns usually end in either “o” or “e”:
jutro – morning
more – sea
prezime – last name

Additional vocabulary:
home – dom
book – knjiga
bag – torba
passport – pasoš
watch – sat
dictionary – rečnik
suitcase – kofer
notebook – sveska
pen – olovka
telefon – phone

Verb “to be” – biti
I am – ja sam
you are – ti si
he is – on je
she is – ona je
it is – ono je
we are – mi smo
you are (plural) – vi ste
they are – oni su

I am a student. = Ja sam student.
You are a student. = Ti si student.
He is a student. = On je student.
She is a student. = Ona je student.
It is a student. = Ono je student.
We are students. = Mi smo studenti.
You are students. = Vi ste studenti.
They are students. = Oni su studenti.
I am not a student. = Ja nisam student.
You are not a student. = Ti nisi student.
He is not a student. = On nije student.
She is not a student. = Ona nije student.
It is not a student. = Ono nije student.
We are not students. = Mi nismo studenti.
You are not students. = Vi niste studenti.
They are not students. = Oni nisu studenti.
Am I a student? = Da li sam ja student?
Are you a student? = Da li si ti student?
Is he a student? = Da li je on student?
Is she a student? = Da li je ona student?
Is it a student? = Da li je ono student?
Are we students? = Da li smo mi studenti?
Are you students? = Da li ste vi studenti?
Are they students? = Da li su oni studenti?